Creative Dragon Works has published for allmost three years the world-wide only dragon boat magazine named "Dragon Boat World International" (DBWI). The magazine has received great support from the IDBF and included the IDBF-newsletter "Dragon Boat International" (DBI), while still maintaining its independency.
To make a more clear difference towards DBI, in summer 2010 with issue No. 11 the magazine's name was changed to "Dragon Boat World Magazine!" (DBWM). However, coming into difficulties of selling sufficient advertisements, caused in the aftermath of the world's financial crisis, the publisher was forced to pick up another job. The initial intention was to keep on running DBWM aside, but this proofed to be impossible due to a to high workload. - Running such a magazine is a full time job, even if you publish it only four issues a year!
However, in April 2018 Creative Dragon Works started to publish the magazine again, but now as mobile-device-friendly PDF, which on the one hand is sent readers via e-mail and on the other hand can be downloaded from Dragon Boat Net free of charge. To mark the magazine's new era the look has changed to the "blue" and the name now is "The Dragon Boat World's Magazine".